


Status: Complete

The following resolution is adopted:

Resolved that L.R. Mills, C.E. Taylor & W.B. Royall
be appointed full professors with full salaries.

On motion, J.H. Mills is excused from the Committe
on the part of President's report referred, and T.H. Pritch-
ard put in his place.

Committee on Agency report recommending

First, that James A. Delke be appointed as general
Agent of the College in the event of his resignation as
a Prof. in the Female Institute at Murfreesboro'.

Secondly, that the Treasurer be authorised to appoint
as many subordinate Agencies as he may deem proper
with special reference to the Collection of the outstand-
ing debts.

First clause [?] laid on the table. Report then

Subject of Agent referred to the Exec. Committee.

The following are the Ex. Committee for ensuing year:

W.T. Brooks, J.S. Purefoy, T.H. Pritchard, W.T. Walters,
and J.D. Hufham.

J.D. Hufham offered the following resolution which
was adopted:

Resolved that the Executive Com. be
instructed to secure an agent or agents to raise an
endowment funds of $25000 in addition to the funds
already secured.

The Exec. Com. are authorised to purchase the tract
of land owned by W.B. Royall, east of R&G. R.R.

The Faculty in connexion [?] with A.R. Vann &
J.S. Purefoy are instructed to take in hand the erection
of a privy for the benefit of the College.

Thursday 22.

Present: Brooks, Turner, Royall, Thompson, Gaultney,
Pritchard, Purefoy, Blount, Hufham, Marsh, Avera, Brooks,
Vann, Walters, Cooke, Heck, & Mills

Committee on improvement of patronage recommend:

First, a more liberal system of advertising by means

Notes and Questions

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Hi - unsure of the the 4th word on Line 42 and 2nd word Line 21 - many thanks


Thank you for your note and your work on this document. I just followed up those words with the [?] notation, but I think your inference is logical.