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of advertisements and better communications in
news papers and minutes of N.C. Association

Secondly, the employment of the President in his
official character to labor for one year in the
general interests of the college and specially in the
procuring of an enlarged endowment and extended
patronage, his travelling expenses to be paid by the

Thirdly, the employment of an additional tutor or
such other instructors for the year as may be deemed
necessary by the Exec. Committee.

The first section was in motion, amended by adding
that the President of the Board of Trustees and members
of the faculty be appointed to see that its provisions
are carried out. This section then adopted.

Second and third sections not adopted.

Dr. Wingate, on behalf of the faculty, recommended
that the Degree of A.M., for special reasons, be
conferred upon T.P. Hobgood and J.B. Brown. On
motion of J.D. Hofham, the recommendation adopted.

The Committee on that portion of President's report retaking
charge in Scheme of Studies and report recommending
the changes therein proposed. Reports adopted.

On motion W.T. Walters, J.H. Mills, and T.H. Pritchard
an added to the committee in investment of endowment funds.

Rev. John Mitchell is unanimously elected Agent of
the College. If he declines the matter to be left as heretofore
in the hands of Exec. Committee.

The employment of a tutor referred to the Exec. Com.
in connexion with the faculty.

The Second Chair of Instruction in the College are dis-
posed of as follows:

W.M. Wingate - Moral Philosophy
W.G. Simmons - Natural Science

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