the said property.
Now, therefore be it resolved by the undersigned,
constituting a majority of the Board of Directors
of the said Educational Company, that we
most heartily approve the proposition for
said property to be purchased, owned and
operated, as an Educational Institution, by
and under the auspices of the said Board of
Trustees of Wake Forest College, and for the benefit
of our denomination and people throughout the State.
Resolved 2nd, that we, as the majority of the
Board of Directors for said Educational Co.,
do hereby invite the said authorities before
mentioned to send a representative or respresentatives
to this place at an early day to examine the
situation and consider the propriety of making
said purchase.
(Signed) G.S. Jones, Vise Pres.
Thos. J. Rickman, Sect'y & Treas.
C.M. Pace, M.C. Tours [?] Rev. D. A. Gleun.
W.A. Smith & J. Williams
Members of The Board
The above and foregoing is a true copy
Thos. J. Rickman, Secty & Treas. ".-
[*W.F's answer to Judson College*]
The proposition elicited considerable discussion, in which
nearly every member of the Executive Board & others
by invitation participated, after which the following
was unanimously passed, and the Secretary was instructed to
return a copy of the same to the Directors of Judson College:-
Whereas a majority of the Directors of Judson College at Hendersonville,
N.C. have made a proposition to us that the Trustees of Wake
Forest College "purchase, own and operate said institution
for the benefit of our denomination throughout the State"
Resolved, that while as individuals and as Baptists we deeply
sympathize with our Western brethren in the financial
embarrassment of their principal institution of learning, we
are debarred, as Trustees, by the limitations of our charter,
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