from extending to them any pecuniary aid from the funds belonging
to Wake Forest College. Still, it would be gratifying to us to
know that some from Baptist brethren would visit [?eudesonville]
at an early day to examine the situation and to see if there is
any possibility of securing this valuable property to the Baptist
Denomination,unencumbered by any and all private claims
[Margin note: Solicit funds [need of?] Bostwick illegible]
The following resolution was introduced by W.X. Pace, and passed:-
"Bro. Bostwick of New York having extended his offer
to aid in the endowment of Wake Forest College to the 1st of
July 1892
[Margin note- Complete Catalogue]
Resolved that Dr. C.E. Taylor be and he is authorized
to solicit funds by correspondence and visitation, but
not by a general canvas for that purpose".
On motion of C. Durham, Dr. [C] E. Taylor was authorized
to prepare a general catalogue of the students of Wake
Forest College from its beginning to the present time, and
the Bursar was instructed to pay for the same out of
the College funds and to sell and distribute them under
the direction of the President of the College.
The following Committees were appointed to prepare
reports to be submitted to the next meeting of the
Executive Committee.
1. Committee on Recommendation of President to establish
Summer Ministers' Institute at the College-
C. Durham, W.R. Gwaltney, J.C. Scarborough & President Taylor.
2. Committee on Providing for Business and Legal
Departments of Instruction, W, X. Pace, T. E. Skinner,
[A?] B. Cobb and Pres't Taylor.
3. Committee on Retreat of Sick:- L. R. Mills,
W. R. Gwaltney, R. E. Royall, W. L. Poteat and P. A. Dunn.
Committee instructed to recommend plans and
location and estimate cost for Retreat of Sick-
also cost of proper water-closets and report
to Executive Committee on Tuesday morning
of Commencement week at 9 o'clock.
Moved that the Executive Committee meet at
the College at 9 A. M. to hear reports of
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