Deed, photocopy, 1776 (Cashie Baptist Church, Windsor, N.C.)



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(North Carolina ) To all Christian People, to Whom these Presants Shall come Greetings (Bertie County )

Know ye that I William Virgin of the County and Province afores.d Carpenter, for and in consideration of the Sum of one Pound Proclamation Money to me in hand Paid by Jeremiah Durgin of the afores.d County, the Receipt Whereof we Do hereby Acknowledge and Divers other Good Causes hereunto moving, Have Bargained, Sold aliend and Confirmd and by these Presants Do Bargain Sell alien confirm unto the Sd. Jeremiah Durgin his Heirs and Assigns Half and Acre of Land Lying Near Winsor, Road in a Convenient Place for the Use of a Baptist Meeting house,

To the Use of him the Said Jeremiah Durgin his Heirs & Assigns and also for the Use of all Travling Baptist Ministters whatsoever, to have to to hold the Sd. Land with all the appurtenances there unto Belonging to the Sd Jeremiah Durgin his heirs and assigns, and I William Virgin my Heirs Extrs. Do covenant Promise and Agre to and with the Sd. Jeremiah Durgin his Heirs & Assigns, by these Presants that the Sd. Jeremiah Durgin Shall and may Peaceably hold and Possess the Halfacre of Land for the Use of the Afore Mentiond Meeting House, as Long as the Meeting house Stands & Remains a Meeting Plaice of the Baptist Soceiety, without the [illegible] Trouble or Molistation of the Sd. William Virgin his heirs and assigns or any Other Person or Persons Whatsoever, Laying Claim Thereunto, and the Sd. William Virgin my heirs Exrsd admtrsd and Assigns Do Further Covenant Promise and Agree to and with the S.d Jeremiah Durgin his heirs or Assigns, all Such Other Lawfull Act or Acts for Confirming and Makeing the S.d Land and Shall be thought Necessary, and I the S.d William Virgin my Heirs Exctrs. Admtrs. and Assigns Doth and will Defend the Said Half acre of Land to the Sd Jeremiah Durgin and Long as the Meetinghouse Remains thereon, and whenever the Sd. Meeting house is Remoovd off the Half Acre off Land Shall Return unto the Sd. William Virgin his heirs or Assigns for Ever, to be his Right and Property, In witness where I have hereunto (seal) Set my hand and Seal, This William Virgin Sign,d Seal,d and Deliver,d in Presence of us, Test John Moore, Sam.l Lewis

Last edit about 1 month ago by Emily@WFU
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Bertie County February Court 1776

Proved in open Court by the Oath of Samuel Lewis one of the subscribing Witnesses and ordered to be Registered[?]

Just John Johnston CJC

Register'd in Book M page 282

[illegible] Jas: Campbell PR

Feb 7 1776

William Virgin|Virgin to} Deed Jeremiah Durgin| Durgin} & his successors in the order of the Pastor of the Church at Cashie

Last edit about 1 month ago by Emily@WFU
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