Minutes, volume 1, 1791-1832 (Cashie Baptist Church, Windsor, N.C.)



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Met in conference April 2nd 1791 opened by praise & prayer

I On motion Bro. Martin Ross was chosen moderator

II On motion the reference Respecting Patty a bond Woman was taken under consideration & after reading a Letter from Sister Collins she was received in full Fellowship --

III Ordered that Sister Davis request Sister Canady to attend next conference

IV Bro. Standley's cytation came under consideration & he Excumated --

Demess'd by prase & prayer --

Met in conference April 31 1791 open'd by praise & prayer--

I Sister Canady's reference was taken under consideration, laid over until next conference. --

II Ordered that Sister Weston & Sister Canady meet together and labour for a reconciliation & attend next conference and make report to the Church their conclusion. --

III Ordered that Bro. Aaron Spivey draw a Subscription to Contribute Bro. Henery for his Labour amongst us at Cashie Meeting House and present the same to next conference

IV Ordered that his Church contribute something to the Assistance of [illegible] Ministers and that it be paid in next conference --

Demis'd by prayer to almighty GOD

Met in conference July 2nd, 1791 Opned by Prayer

I On motion of Bro. M. Ross was chosen moderator --

II On motion a door was opened for admission of new members Mary Alhouse [?] by an experience of Grace & was accordingly Baptized

III On motion Sister Canedys reference was taken under consideration aft finding her guilty of what she was charged with was Excomunacated

IV Contributed, by the Church, to communicate to Traveling Ministers in =ency [Currency symbol] 2,,9,,0 which is carried to another Book, Paid Bro. M. Ross out of the above fund -- Demised by prayer to God

Met in conference July 30th 1791 Opned by Prayer

I Thomas Sutton was received into this Church by an Experience of On the next day was Baptized --

Last edit 5 months ago by Emily@WFU
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Saturday October 1st 1791 Conference after preaching --

[I] On motion Bro. James Ross was chosen Moderator --

[II] On Motion a door was opned for admission of new members Bro. Moses Gillum was rec'd and Baptized --

III A reference in the minuets of last Association concuring --

IV Itinerant preaching was taken under consideration unamously agreed to --

V On Motion Bros. Ross & Spivey was chosed Deligates to represent the Church by Letter to our next Association to be held at Hat [?] Swamp Meeting House in Pitt County on Saturday 8th [Jan.y]

[VI] On motion Bro. A. Spivey was requested to write the Church Letter to the Association, the Church contributed one Doll. thereto --

[VII] On motion Ordered that Bro. Spivey request Sister Oliver to attend next conference

[IX] On motion taken in consideration Members absenting themselves from Conferences after some Deliberation then voted that If any male member shall fail attending one Conference shall render their reasons to this Church --

On motion any male member failing to attend three conferences in succession [missing] they are to be resquested to come and render their reasons for the Same [missing] this Church --

We the Male Members hath agreed to attend this meeting House on the last Saturday in S.d Month to repair the Well clean the house [etc.]

Desmissed by Prayer to the Almighty GOD

Met in Conference Nov.r 5th 1795 Opned by prayer to God

On Motion Bro. A. Spivey chosen Moderator --

On motion a door was opened for the admittance of new members Bro. William Griffin was rec'd in order for Baptizm --

Sister Olive met according to request after some Deliberation on the Subject of her not being in full fellowship in Bro. Durgans life time [?] satisfaction could not be obtained for the want of Bro.

Last edit 5 months ago by Emily@WFU
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The Church of Christ at Ross's M. H. unto her [Sister] Church at Cashie M. H. send Greeting = Know ye that wee have voted unamimously to have a four Days Meeting to begin on the Thursday before the 4 Lords day in August next at which time and place we cordially invite [illegible] Br. Laurance and as many of the Brethrin and Sisters as may think propper to favour us with their presence. Done in conference Saturday before the 4th Lords day in July 1833 --- Sign'd In behalf of the whole ch. [Daly] Clerk

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Joshua Freeman of Sister Williams, On motion Bro. Freeman and Sister Williams is to be requested to attend next Conference --

IV On motion ordered that if any Member or Members shall refuse to attend the meetings of communion or refuse to commune when they are present, shall give their reasons to the Church for so refusing --

V On Motion Bro.'s J. Ross Sutton & A. Spivey was appointed to draw up & Compose Rules of Decorum for the use and Government of this Church, and present it to next Conference for revising if need be --

Demis'd by Prayer etc.

On Saturday Dec.r 3rd 1791 After Preaching Conference was opned by praise & prayer to Almighty God --

I Brother Thomas Sutton was chosen Moderator --

II On motion a door was opned for admittance of new members and Penolepy Griffin was rec.d and Baptiz.d --

III Sister Oliver's refference was taken under consideration & posponed untill next conference --

IV The Committee brought forward the Decorum laid over untill Next Conference --

V Ordered that Bro. Sutton write credentials of admittance for B[ro] Spivey to preach & assign it in behalf of all --

Demissed by prayer to Almighty God

On Saturday 31st Dec.r 1791 After Preaching Conference was opned etc.

I Brother Noisworthy [?} was envited to a Seat --

II On motion a Door was opned for new members

III Sister Olivers reference was taken under consideration & after

Last edit 5 months ago by Emily@WFU
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