Louis case called he appeard acknowledged his crime + was by
vote unanimously Excluded --
Brother Simons case called, broth Champain who was appointed
to cite him stated that Simons had removed so far off that
he could not see him; brother Stuart informed the church that
he was present + that Simons was cursing + swearing and was
very anxious to fight, this case being so extravagent in its
nature + Simons being so inconvenient + no prospect of a
reformation by Motion he was unanimously Excluded
The Query presented at last meeting taken up when the quer-
-rist brother Outlaw moved to change the form and let it read
thus: Is it Orderly in a regular baptist church to pay no
attention to a possible rumour against any of her Members --
after much discussion resolved it would not be orderly +tc --
Sister Elizabeth Jordan removing from us prays a letter
of dismission which was granted --
Not entire satisfaction being enjoyed on brother Rascoes
case moved + agreed a Committee consisting of Brethren
Turner Carter Jas G Jones Thomas Gillam + William P Mason [?]
be appointed to make enquiry + report to next meeting
No further business Adjourned by prayer +tc
A biographical sketch of George Outlaw --
The regular baptist church of christ at Cashie in conside
-ration of their high esteem for their deceasd brother
George Outlaw, have determined to record the
following sketch of his life and death --
George Outlaw was born of respectable parentage
on the 25th day of October in the Year of our Lord 1771
in the County of Bertie. For the early part of his life
he was fond of the fashions and amusements of the
world, thoughtless of eternity and the concerns of his Soul --
In this pursuit after worldly pleasures, he advanced to
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