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to about Mediocrity of Life -- At the age of about 20
he married Elizabeth Bryan with whom he enjoyed all
the pleasures attendance on conjugal life for 25 years + by whom he had
four children Mary, Harriet, George + Joseph, + she afterwards
became a very pious zealous + devoted Christian--

The time was now advancing which was to form a
vastly interesting and important crisis in his Life -- Unknown
to him in his course of worldly enjoyment, the appointed time
of God was fast approaching when the mighty power
of divine Grace should arrest his Soul, and a great and
gracious revolution be affected in his future life and
character -- The churches previous to this time were in a
cold state. The time to favour Zion had however come.
About this time there were many spiritual and powerful
ministers who frequently preached at the Bertie Union
Meetings and within its limits, among whom was Elder
Lemuel Burket who belonged to it -- The subject of the
present sketch was among the earliest fruits of the revival
in the Bertie Union Meeting in AD 1802 --

His first religious impressions were received
under the ministry of Elder Burket, who was preaching
in a very animated and powerful manner and the
congregation generally much exercised -- At this time the
thought struck him, should the things which the Preacher
declared to be true what was his condition -- The impression
fastened on his heart and became the foundation of
his future exercises of mind -- From this time he
became convinced of his Sin and guilt, and experienced
the alarm and distress of a Soul which was ever itself condemned
by the holy Law of God -- His conviction seems to have been
of a strong and distressing nature -- Under these operations
of divine grace we have reason to believe that our departed
brother experienced that repentance, that needed [?] not to be
repented of -- The first comfort and relief which he
experienced in his distress was from a Sermon preached at

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