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at Cashie Meeting house from this text "That as Sin
hath reigned unto death; even so might grace reign
through righteousness by Jesus Christ our Lord -- The time
of his final deliverance and attaining a hope in Christ
was at a Union Meeting holden at Wiccacan Meeting
house under the preaching of Elder William Brown
Elder Brown preached from the Text "Who is on the
Lords side? after he had concluded his sermon, brother
Outlaw rejoiced [?] aloud in the midst of the congregation
telling the people that he had formerly been a candidate
for the Assembly, but that he was then a candidate
for Heaven + happiness -- His transports [?] were so
violent, that he exhausted himself and was carried to
a shade perfectly prostrated -- The violence of his feelings
and exersions was such as to bring on a violent discharge
of blood from the Lungs, followed by a severe and
dangerous spell of sickness -- He shortly afterwards
professed a hope in the Redeemer, and was baptized by
Elder Aaron Spivey, and received a Member of the
Cashie Church, at which he was long an orderly and
useful member -- He was for many years Clerk of
the Cashie Church, which office he filled as long as he
lived -- He was generally called also to preside
as Moderator in the Chowan Association -- His value
and usefulness was not alone confined to the Church
but as a member of the community at large, he was
many years Chairman of the County Courts of Bertie
about thirty years, Senator in the North Carolina
Legislature of which he was many years president and a representative in Congress -- In
the year AD 1816 he was deprived of his first wife +
in January AD 18 he was again married to Mrs. Frances
Smith, by whom he had three children WIlliam Frances + Jordan

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