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Brother Outlaw lived to enjoy a second glorious revival
of Gods work in the Year AD 1824 when his eys were made
to see glorious things and his heart made to rejoice + praise
God for his wonderful goodness to the children of Men
The early fruits of this revival was his last wife
his son Joseph + his wife Hannah them he saw at
one time follow him he loved into his [illegible] grave
and was often heard to say it was enough, that he was
ready to depart in peace --

In the Year of 1825 month of August + 8th day
he was violently attacked with billious remittent Fever
which changed into a Typhoid form and closed his life of [illegible]
on the 13th of the above month -- He has gone to enjoy that
rest which the lord hath prepared for his weary people --
"Blessed are the dead, who die in the Lord; Yea with the
spirit they cease from their Labour + their works do
follow them -- His Funeral Sermon was preached
at his house by Elder William H Jordan from
1st Thessalonians 4th chapter + 13th verse "but I would not have You
to be ignorant, Brethren, concerning them which are asleep
that you sorrow not, even as others which have no
hope --

Saturday before the 1st Lords day in February
1827 -- Conference convened after preaching + prayer
a door for new members opened --
Moved + agreed to take up references as in order

Committee on brother Rascoes case called on, but not
being prepared pray indulgence till next meeting
which was granted --

Brother Britt rendered + excuse for absence which
was received --

A letter of dismission granted to Sister Hester a
colour'd Woman --

Brother Dempsey charged broth Bowen with cir-
culating a false report concerning him --

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