Resolved a Committee consisting of Elder Ross + brethren
Bond, Carter, Folk + Jones be appointed to make im-
-mediate investigation + report -- Which committee
report that the brethren are not satisfied, but there
seems a propability of reconciliation by delaying the
matter a short time -- Moved, to receive the report
No further business by Motion adjourned by prayer
Union Annual Meeting on 1st Sunday in March
Friday before 1st Lords day in April 1827 after preaching
conference conven'd + a door for new Members opened
By motion agreed we defer calling the list untill tomorrow
Moved for references as in order on the minuets
Committee on Broth J G Rascoes case called on + reported
that from the best information he was intoxicated --
moved + agreed to defer the case untill tomorrow --
Broth Dempsey + Bowens case called + agreed to defer untill
next meeting, Elder Laurence agreeing to see them, believin
the difference could be settled --
Moved to appoint Representatives to the association
to meet at [Poticasey] [?] Friday before 1st Lords day in May
when were appointed Elder Laurence + brother
Turner Carter + Jos B Outlaw, also agreed to send as the
Fund $3 + that the Clerk write the letter --
Sister Pender named that a report prejudicial to her
character had gone out concerning her killing some
hogs, when by motion a committee consisting of
broth Folk + Bond J [Denor] [?] Turner Carter + J B Outlaw wer
appointed to make enquiry + report to next meeting
Moved a Committee be appointed consisting of brethren
T Speller W R Minor + J B Outlaw to settle with the Deacons
+ report next meeting --
By motion agreed to adopt some plan for aiding
our Pastor when after some debate agreed to call
each members name + let him pay as the Lord may
incline him, when a liberal contribution was made
No further business adjourned by prayer untill to
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