



Status: Page Status Transcribed

Saturday before the 1st Lords day in April 1827
after preaching conference convened + a door for new
members opened -- Visiting broth invited to seats

John [Seawell] [?] applied for restoration + was recd.
+ dismissed he living in Georgia, the Clerk ordered
write the letter agreeable to the circumstances of the
case he having been gone from ten Years --

Moved for references as in order --

Broth Rascoes case again calld + same statement
as Yesterday, he being dissatisfied with one of the
Committee broth Jones, agreed to withdraw his name
+ place brother Folks + that they report again next mee
-ting --

Moved + agreed to read the Decorum which was done

No further business, dismissed by prayer +tc

Saturday before the 1st Lords day in May 1827
After preaching conference opend by prayer + a door
for admission of new members was opened, when
Margaret Gregory was recd for baptism by + experi
ence of grace --

Moved + agreed to take up references as in order

Broth Rascoes case called, he persisted in the denial of
the report, considerable was said, when the question was
called + he continued in fellowship --

Brethren Bowen + Dempseys case called, broth Dempsey
being absent agreed to defer it untill next meeting, a
Committee of broth Egstall + Gregory were appointed to
see them --

Committee on Sister Penders case reported that they
could not fellowship her, when the question on the
report was taken which was unanimously recd
+ she excluded --

Committee to settle with the Deacons called on, when
broth J B Outlaw stated he had performed his duty, but through mis
-take had left the report, which at next meeting shall appear [?}
he also beged indulgence to write the Association letter
which was granted Dismissed by prayer

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