Saturday before the 1st Lords day in July 1827
After preaching conference convened by prayer, a door for
new members opened --
Article 1 -- It appearing from our list that brother James
Rayner has for a considerable time been absent, agreed
+ resolved that brother Egstall cite him to attend our next
conference + render his reasons --
2 List called + absentees for the June meeting excused --
3 Moved for references as in order
4 The committee on Yorks case was called om to report which
reported non fellowship with his conduct, whereupon
the question was called + he excluded --
4 Committee on Andrews case called + reported very
unfavorably, moved as above the report be recd. + Commit
discharged + Andrew Excluded unanimously --
5 Committee on Isaaces case called, reported they could not
see him as he was then in the woods, moved the Committee
be discharged -- the circumstances of bad conduct
was however so strong, that he was unanimously Excluded
6 Brother Nat [?] having communications of a private turn [?]
to make to the Church, moved + agreed that a Committee
of Brethren Folk, Bond, Carter + Jones now attend him
+ hear for the Church, when they presently reported, that
the conduct of Hetty could not be fellowshiped + she was
Excluded --
8 Luk was charged with improper conduct + moved that
Brethren Outlaw Bond Carter + Gillam see him + report at
our next meeting --
8 It appeard, that brother Moore was acquainted with
certain improper conduct in [Zempy] [?] a coloured Sister
agreed therefore that broth Moore withdraw + communic
-ate to the above Committee in Hettys case, who reported
nonfellowship + she was unanimously Excluded --
Adjourned by prayer +tc
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