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Saturday before the 1st Lords day in August 1827
After preaching came together in conference --

1 A door opened for new members --

2 Agreed to take references as in order on the minutes
when the committee on broth J Rayners case was called
but he himself appeard + gave satisfaction --

3d The Committee on Lukes case called, + reported but broth
Bond one of the Committee being necessasrily absent the case
was by request laid over till next meeting --

4 Brother William Presdon prayed a litter of dismissing which was granted

5 Brother Conner was charged with intoxiatiary + ordered that
brother J Jones cite him to attend next Conference

Adjourned by prayer +
Jos B Outlaw C. Clk

Saturday before the 1st Lords day in October 1827 After
preaching came together in conference prayer by broth Carter
A door was then opened for new members, when Polly Pinder
came forward gave a narrative of the goodness of God to her +
was received for baptism on the morrow -- Sister Sally Folk was
received by letter -- The Committee on Lukes case reported unfavor
-ably + he was excluded -- Brother Outlaw prayed of the Church a
Committee consisting of Brethren Carter Rascoe + Gillam, to visit
+ examine into a certain charge against two if the coloured
brethren belonging to him Lank + Charles, which request
was granted + they appointed -- It was decided by vote that
as the morrow is a day set apart for fasting + prayer that we
defer communion untill our next meeting -- Letters of dismission
were prayed for Sister Airs [?] and our coloured Sisters Minny belong
to A Stone + Hester (Weston) which were granted -- Brother Carter
lodged a charge agnst sister Judy (belonging to [Prest][?] + a committee of
brethren Hurt [?] Rigsby + Spivey were appointed to examine + report
next meeting -- Also brother Jones as above against Hannah +
York belonging to G Outlaws Estate for stealing as above Duers
Carter + Jones as above -- Brother Champain requested to cite broth
William Legitt to come forward at next meeting + render his reason
for his long absence from us -- Dismissed by prayer by broth Outlaw

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