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Saturday before the 1st Lords day in December 1827
After preaching - Conference opened by prayer - then
opened a door for admission of new members, when
Sarah Kirth came forward related the dealings of the
Lord upon her Soul, gave Satisfaction + was received
for baptism -- Also Loncy [?] (belonging to Amos Ray) + Charles
to (Thomas Bond) -- Agreed to call references as in order --
The Committee on the case of Charles + Lank beg indulgence
which was granted till next meeting --

The Committee on Jordys case reported unfavorably +
she was unanimously Excluded --

The Committee on York + Hannahs case beg indulgence
till next meeting which was granted --

By motion agreed to now read Dwights Sermon on
Drunkenness + the proceedings of the Virginia Temperate
Society, which being done + no further business agreed
to adjourn by prayer +tc

Saturday before the 1st Lords day in January 1828, The
Bertie U Meeting taking place on 1st L day in Novbr
their was no meeting in course -- After preaching
came together in Conference by prayer -- Agreed to
call references as in order --

The committee on Lank + Charles case reported that they
had not seen a person very necessary + were unpre
-pared to report, indulged till next meeting
Lewis Bond being added to the committee --

The Commitee on York + Hannahs case reported unfa
-vorably of York + he was Excluded, as to Hannah, they
had made no investigation + were requested to do so
by next meeting -- A letter of dismission was granted
to Louiza (belong to J Smithwick) Also to Elizabeth Ward they
being removed from the neighborhood -- Nothing moore

Adjourned by prayer +

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