Saturday before the 1st Lords day in July 1828 After preaching
met in conference by prayer -- door opened as usual --
when was restord to fellowship Sister Harriet Ward --
1 List called absentees marked --
2d former absentees calld on for reasons therefor + was excused
Adjourned by prayer +
Saturday before the 1st Lords day in August 1828 After
preaching came in Conference by prayer -- Door opened for
new members - after the list being called -- We had no references
It appearing that a number of the church were engaged in
the election concern at Windsor to the neglect of the worship
of God + their regular church meeting - whereupon brother
Jones was requested to notice such + cite them to attend the
next meeting + render + excuse for their conduct + also that
brother Dempsey cite brethren Egstall + H Castelow to say why
they left conference to go to Windsor on same day --
Brother Wilder Bird stated that it was reported that he was much
addicted to drunkeness when it was proposed to be laid over untill
next meeting --
Resolved that in future we meet at this place on every Wednes
day after the 3d Sunday in each month for the purpose of impli
cating a throne of Grace for general, blessings + mercies but
more particularly for the spread of his blessed Gospel --
Adjourned by prayer +tc
Loris belonging to Sister Gillam was recd on fast day
Saturday before the 1st Lords day in September 1828
After preaching came together in conference by prayer
1 Door opened for new members --
2 Agreed to take up business as in order --
3 Brother Egstall appeared and rendered some excuse for his conduct
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