+ after receiving sharp reproof from the Moderator was
excused by the Church -- (Excuse business at Windsor)
4 Brother Henry Castelow also appeared and rendered the same
excuse as above + was treated as above --
5 Brother Jones agreeable to request of the Church, stated that
Brother Isaac Kitrell + Theophilus Davis + Sister Mary Shepherd were
at Windsor -- Brother Davis being present was sharply admonished +
excused --
6 Agreed a committee consisting of brethren Outlaw, Carter, Gillam
Minor + Taylor be appointed to wait on Kitrell + report at our
next Meeting --
7 Agree that brother Jones be requested to cite Sister Shepherd to
attend our next meeting, to render the church satisfaction for her conduct
8 Brother Bird confessed that he had drank to excess + that after
serious reflection he thought he could safely promise to drink
no more + beg of the brethren forgiveness with evry mark
of penitance + with tears -- whereupon the question being
taken he was unanimously excused + restored --
7 Sister Elizabeth Airs was charged with many bad things, whereupon
by motion a committee consisting of brethren Folk Carter +
Champain be appointed immediately to examine the case
(the testimony being present) + she was excluded --
10 Aaron belonging to West was charged with stealing + by
brother Tayloe's leave (whose employ he is in) he be cited to attend
our next meeting --
11 Brother Henry Castilow + Sister [Wordier] [?] Miller petition for
letters of dismission they both being removed -- whereupon
agreed they have letters -- No further business adjour'd
by prayer to Almighty God.
Saturday before the 1st Lords day in October 1828
After preaching came together in Conference by prayer
Door opened for new members --
1 Agreed to take references in order onthe Minutes
2 The case of Aaron called, he being present + relating the facts
was unanimously Excused --
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