3 Agreed that Sister Shepherds case be deferd till next meeting
4 The Committee on the case of I. J. Kitrell report unfavorably
of his case + that he acknowledges himself irreconsilable
to some of the members of the church, resolved therefore
unanimously that he be Excluded from among us --
5 Resolved that Elder Laurence + brethren Outlaw Carter Folk
+ Bond -- be appointed messengers to our Annual U Meeting
to be held at Ahosky on Friday before the 1st Lords day in
November + that Brother L Bond write the Letter --
6 A charge of theft being brought against Arthur belonging
to Anny [?] Cobb agreed therefore he be cited by brother Champain
to attend our next meeting -- nothing more adjourd by prayer
Saturday before the 1st Lords day in December 1828
No meeting on account bad weather
Saturday before the 1st Lords day in January 1829
After preaching came together in Conference by prayer
1 Door opened for new members
2 Agreed to take business as in order When Brother
Carter from the Committee on Sister Spences case (who was
charged for keeping a disorderly house) reported that she denied
the charges - then agreed the report be received + committee be
discharged -- The Clerk being absent no other references
were known --
3 Brother Murdaugh + Sister Murdaugh petitioned for
letters of dismission, they being about to remove, which was
granted -- Adjourned by prayer to Almighty God --
Saturday before the 1st Lords day in Feby 1829 No
meeting on account bad weather
Saturday before the 1st Lords day in March 1829
No meeting on account bad weather --
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