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Friday before the 1st Lords day in April 1829 - After preach
-ing came together in Conference by prayer -- Door opened for
new members / when Mary Pender was restored to fellowship

1 Sister Spences case was called when it was moved as she was
present a Committee of brethren Bond Carter + Rascoe wait on
her immediately + report; whereupon they reported her case as
a peculiar one + thought she should be acquitted of all blame
the report was recived Committee discharged + she continued in
fellowship -- Isabel belonging to Dr Lucas having removed
prayed a letter of dismission which was granted --

2 Agreed that Elder Laurence + brethren Carter Rascoe + in
case of failure Folk be the bearers of our letter to the
Association + that two dollars + a half be the fund --

3 Moved as unfavorable reports are in circulation against
brother George F Thompson that brethren Folk West + Rigsby
be a Committee to wait on him + report next meeting --

4 Sister Elizabeth Blount having removd prays a letter of
dismission which was granted --

5 Brother+ Sister Minor + Sister Laird having removed
prays letters of dismission which was granted --

Adjourned by prayer +tc

Saturday before the 1st Lords day in April 1829 after
preaching met in Conference by prayer -- Door opened
for new members -- Decorum + Covenant read, roll called

Letters of dismission was granted brother + Sister Jones + coloured
Sister belonging to them (Mary)

1 Agreed that License be granted brother Jacob D Rascoe to
preach wherever the Spirit may lead him --

2 Query presented by brother Dempsey -- Is it right for
professors of religion to go where there is fiddling + dancing
and their continue all night, which after some opposition
was recd for discussion -- Answerd that it is in the highest
degree derogatory to the Christian character --

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Need to remember to ask you what "+tc" means. Seems common in these minutes.