



Status: Page Status Transcribed

Saturday before the 1st Lords day in July 1829 after
preaching by Elder W. H. Jordan met in Conference by prayer
Door opened for new members, List called Decorum + Covenant
read --

1 Agreed to take references as in order --

2 Brother Pruden called he being still absent was unanimously Excluded

3 The Committee of Finance further indulged --

4 Brother Carter stated unfavorable reports of Delilah belonging
to Sister Mhoon when a Committee of Carter Gillam Bond
+ Spivey were appointed to investigate + report next meeting

Adjourned by prayer --

Sunday Penny belonging to J Pughs Estate was recd for Baptism

Saturday before the 1st Lords day in August 1829
After preaching came in conference by Prayer -- List omitted
Door opened for new members -- when Luke belongng to Sister
Pender was restored -- Dr Applewhite handed a litter to the
church but it being orthodox he could not be recd
Ordered that our Clerk write to the Church in Tennessee
where he states to have been first initiated --

1 Committee of Finance report that on settlement
a balance of $1 13/00 was found in favor of the Treasurer

2 The Committee on Lilahs case report unfavourably by
motion report was received Committee discharged + she
Excluded --

It appearing that brother James Dearn [?] was so infirm as
to be unable regularly to attend church meetings, it is ordered
therefore that he be in future exempt from answering to his
name --

Orderd that the Clerk write a note of citation to brethren
Thomas Speller + James Rayner to appear + render to the
church satisfaction for their irregular attendance on
church meetings -- Adjourned by Prayer

Sunday after preaching was recd for baptism Milly belonging to J Pughs Est.

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