Saturday before the 1st Lords day in September 1829
After preaching met in Conference by prayer --
A door opened for admission of new members --
1. By motion references taken as in order
1 Brother Speller who was cited to attend for not attending
our Church Meetings being absent the case was deferred till next --
2 Brother James Rayner the same as above attened + rendered some
excuse, thought not satisfactory by the Church, + was sharply
reproved by the Moderator -- + then exused --
3 A sinular [?] letter was recd from the Bertie U Meeting requesting
the Church to signify by her letter to the Annual U Meeting
whether or not they were favorable to the division of the same
By motion the case of the letter was defered till our next
4 Moved + agreed that Brethren Carter + Taylor proceed
immediately to the repairing of our meeting house + report
the cost +tc at our next -- Adourned by prayer
Sunday morning met at the water + rcd Charity belonging to A Spivey, Esq
Saturday before the 1st Lords day in October 1829 - After preaching
came together in conference by prayer -- A door opened for new members
when came forward + related a satisfactory experience + was recd
Penenlope Bond -- Brother Spellers case which was refered to this
meeting was called + after consideration, it was determined to recind
entirely the previous citation as his health was such as to render
him unable regularly to attend --
The circular from the U meeting was next considered, and it
was agreed that a division of the U meeting was advisable + that
the Clerk signify the same in our letter to that body + that
Elder Laurence + that brethren Bond, Carter and in case of failure
Folk be our deligates -- Brother Outlaw stated that Daniel
a black brother belonging to broth Duers [?], had been brought before
him as a magistrate for stealing, that the case was clear and aggrava
-ted, that he was sentenced to twenty five lashes, whereupon after
recital of the case the vote was taken + he Excluded --
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