Whereas rumour accused brother Egstall of shooting badly a
negro man it was resolved that brethren Dempsey, Butterton
Pearce + Castelow make evry enquiry relative thereto + inform
at our next meeting + also to cite brother Egstall to attend --
A proposition was made to build a new meeting house + the
vote taken whereupon it was unanimously agreed to --
It was then by a large majority resolved to be built in the
Town of Windsor or as near thereto as possible to obtain a place
resolved that brethren Carter Bond + Tayloe be the superintendens
+ that they immediately proceed with their subscription
Adjourned by prayer
Saturday before the 1st Lords day in November being the
time of our Annual U Meeting of course we have none
Saturday before the 1st Lords day in December 1829
After preaching came together in Conference by prayer
A door for admission of new members was opened when
Lemuel Kester [?] was restored --
Agreed to take business in order as on the last minutes
The committee on Brother Egstalls case reported they had
made evry inquiry, that the case was very aggravated
on the side of the Negro; whereas brother Egstall himsel
being present the committee were discharged from
further duties on the subject -- It appeard that this
Negro of Coopers had frequently broken houses on the Lot
that he had actually lain in ambush to kill Egstall
or beat him, he had threatened to burn his dwelling +tc
that frequent warning had been given both him + his
master and after breaking into Egstalls smoke house as
he ran off he was shot in the knee -- Considering the
bad character of the Negro with the many threats he had
made on motion the brother was continued in fellowship
No further business adjourned by prayer --
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