



Status: Page Status Transcribed

On Christmas day 1829 After preaching came together
in Conference by prayer --

A door for admission of new members was opened
when came forward + after relating satsifactorily
the dealings of the Lord with their Souls were received
for Baptism Kenneth Bentley [?], Nancy Watson,
Frances Gillam, Eliza Garret, Susan Swain, +
Violet belonging to James Bond --
No further business adjourned by prayer +tc

Saturday before the 1st Lords day in January
AD 1830 After preaching by Elder Bazemoore, came
together in conference by prayer - List was called + absentees
rendered their Excuses - A door was then opend for new mem
-bers when came forward + was recd for Baptism
after relating the dealings of the Lord with her
Nancy Kitrel also recd by Letter Johnson Reed [?] + wife
Winnifred --

Covenant + Decorum was then read --

Sister Anna Pearce having removed out the County
prays a letter of dismission which was granted --

Adjourned by prayer +tc

Saturday before the 1st Lords day in February no meeting --

Saturday before the 1st Lords day in March AD 1820 After preaching
came together in conference by by prayer -- A door opened for the recep
-tion of new members -- List called absentees marked --

1 Moved + agreed that our Clerk write the letter to our next Association to
holden at Piney Grove Gates County, that $2 50/100 be the fund +
that Elder R Laurence + brethren Jacob D Rascoe, Turner Carter +
+ in failure Amos Rayner be the bearers of the same --

2 Resolved in future it be the duty of the Clerk to write the letters
to our Association

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