Sister Esther Mhoon prayed a letter of dismission which was granted
also our blck brother Charles belonging to Thomas Bond [Senr] [?] --
3 Brother Eggstall charges brother Lemuel Kester with trespassing on
his land, Resolved therefore that Kester stands charged + that
brother Dempsey cite him to attend next conference --
Adjourned by prayer --
On Sunday brother Jeremiah Bunch +
wife Judith were recd + Baptized
Saturday before the 1st Lords day in April no meeting
Saturday before the 1st Lords day in May After preaching
came together in conference by prayer -- List called Absentees mark
moved for business as in order on the minutes
1 Association Letter called read, + received --
2 Kesters case called, the charged not being sustained by Egstall
Kester was cleared --
3 Resolved that these Brethren both charged for improp [missing]
conduct + that a committee consisting of brethren A Rayner
L Bond T Carter, J B Outlaw, G Capeheart + G Pearce be
appointed to examine into the conduct of the brethren +
report at our next meeting --
4 Our colourd Brethern Charles + Hasty belong to the estate of
General William prayd letters of dismission which was Granted --
4 Brother Folk stated to obviate the difficulties experienced in
collecting the church funds, the Deacond had met +laid to
each members name such sum as they thought was
convenient, + wish to lay it before conference, that any
might object or make any alteration in the sum, more
or less as they might wish, which was done + the plan
approved off -- Adjourned by prayer --
Saturday before the 1st Lords day in June AD 1830 After preach
-ing came together in Conference by prayer -- A door opened, List
called Absentees marked -- References taken as in order
1 The committee on Egstall + Kester case reported the parties
had settled the matter themselves --
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