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It was however thought the matter could not end here, the matter
was now with the Church who must be satisfied --

2 The report was received + the Committee discharged --

3 Resolved the case lie over untill next meeting

Adjourd by prayer --

Saturday before the 1st Lords day in July AD 1830 After
preaching came in conference by prayer - List calld - A
door opened for new members -- Business taken as in order

1 Egstalls and Keter case calld + after one deliberation they were
excluded -- Adjourned by prayer to almighty God +tc

Saturday before the 1st Lords day in Agust 1830 After preaching
came in Conference by prayer -- A door opened for new
members when were received, Viny belonging to Lewis Bond
Judy belonging to John Drisdle [?], Milly Swain + Aaron Spivey

The Committee appointed to select a place for the new meeting
house, report they have not yet obtained a place --
moved + agreed they have further indulgence Adjourd by prayer

Saturday before the 1st Lords day in September AD 1830 After
preaching came in Conference by prayer -- Door opened, List called

1 The committee to Locate the new meeting house report
the present place as the one most suitable that they can get
report recd + they discharged --

2 Brother Butterton informed conference that brother Joseph
Johnson was in the habit of drinking to much, when it
was ordered that Broth Butterton cite him before next meeting

Adjournd by prayer

Saturday before the 1 Lords day in October 1830 after preaching
came together in conference by prayer - A door was opend for
the reception of new members, when Mary Averitt came
forward + was recievd --

1 Brother Johnsons case was taken up when his acknowledgements
were satisfactory + he was continued in fellowship --

2 George a colourd brother belonging to G B Outlaw was accused
of stealing when brethren Carter Taylor + Durns were appointed
committee to wait on him + report to next conference

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