3 Brethren Barnacastle, Weston, Davis + John Johnson were charged
with attending a shooting match, agreed it lie over till our next
+ that Brother Champain cite brother Johnson to attend --
Adjourned by prayer
At Sunday meeting holden at Raquist [?] chappel
during this month were recd + Baptised Sister
Nancy Pender + Brother George Bryan --
Saturday before the 5th Lords day in October 1831 After
preaching came in conference by prayer -- Door opened for
new members -- In consquennce of our Pastor's absence agreed
to defer references untill next meeting, except the business
of the Annual Union Meeting, respecting which resolved
our Clerk write the letter of Correspondence + that Elder
Laurence + brethren Carter & Ryan bear the same, then
Adjourned by prayer --
Annual Union Meeting Friday before 1st Lords day
in November, consequently we had no meeting
Saturday before 1st Lords day in December 1831 -- After
preaching by Elder George Williams, came together in Conference
Door opened for new members, where Cutlor [?] belonging to
Francis Tredwell came forward + giving satisfactory nar
-ration of the work of the Lord with her was received for
baptism --
1 Agreed to take up references as they stand in order --
2 The committee on George's case called, but being absent they
were indulged till next meeting --
3 Brethren Barnacastle, James Davis, John Johnson + Ephraim
Weston called on for reasons of being at a shooting match --
they all expressed ignorance of the crime + penitence for the same
beged forgiveness + were forgiven -- After admonition by moder.
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