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The Treasurer presented his accounts + on examination the Churh
is due him $5 43/100 --

Brother Jonathan Spivey charged Sister Spence of bad conduct
upon which a committee consisting of brethren Spivey Carter
Bond Gillam + Folk were appointed to make inquiry + report
next meeting --

Brother Folk charge brother Theophilus Davis with unfavorable
reports relative to his general deportment - he living without the
limits of the County, Resolved therefore that the Clerk write him
to appear at next conference + render satisfaction for the same

Adjourn'd by prayer +tc

January None}
February ______ } bad weather} minutes lost, Clerk absent

Saturday before 1st Lords day in March 1831 after preaching
came together in Conference by prayer, Door opend for new members
Agreed to take references in order --

Committee on Sister Spence's case reported it best to continue
her in fellowship, report rec'd, Committee discharged + she continued

The Committtee on Standlys case were indulged till next meeting

For certain reasons resolved that in future our Yearly meeting be
holden on Friday before the 1st Lords day in May + furthermore
resolved that the Saturday before the 1st Lords day in May next, be +
is hereby set apart as a day of fasting + prayer before Almighty
God, that the approaching Association may be particularly
beneficial to this Church -- Adjourned by prayer +tc

April Clerk absent no minutes came to hand

Friday before 1st Lords day in May 1831 After preaching
came together in Conference by prayer -- Door opend for
new members -- Agreed to lay over untill tomorrow the business
of last meeting -- Resolved that our Clerk write Association letter

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