+ that Elder Laurence + brethren L Bond + A Spivey + in failure
Amos Rayner be our Deligates + twenty five shillings be [illegible]
as Association fund --
Saturday - After preaching came in conference by prayer
List called + Decorum read -- Agreed to call references in
order -- Standleys case calld, Committee reported unfavorably
moved + agreed the report be received + committee discharged
Standley Excluded -- Adjourned by prayer +tc
Satuday before 1st Lords day in June 1831 After preaching
came together in conference by prayer -- List called, Door for
new members opened -- References taken as in order
1 Theophilus Davis called, the Clerk stated he had agreeably to
order been cited, laid over by motion till next meeting + that
brother Moore cite him again -- Brother Spivey requested
a committee to wait on one of his servants (Charity) to
inquire into her conduct, when brethren Folk Gillam + Bond
were appointed + to report at next meeting --
Brother Folk stated satisfactorily that Sister Harriet Ward
was pregnant, + having once been excluded for the same
+ again rec'd by motion the Question on her case was
waken + she excluded -- We now had a time of humility
+ found it good to wait on the Lord -- Brother J B Outlaw
proposed + inquiry meeting, to relate to each other, each
his experiences +tc to meet on Friday before our next
quarterly meeting, which was agreed to -- Adjourd by prayer
Saturday before 1st Lords day in July 1831 - After preaching came
together in conference by prayer -- List called + Door for new members
opened when Noah King + Abram Poindexter gave the dealing
of the Lord with them + were recd' for baptism
The Committee on Charitys case indulged till next meeting
Theophilus Davis refused to attend the conference + his bad
walk being fully attested he was excluded --
Adjourned by prayer +tc
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