



Status: Page Status Transcribed

Saturday before the 1st Lords day in August 1831 -- After preaching
came together in Conference by prayer -- Door opend for new members
When Sarah F King + Sophy belonging to Mary F Miller were recd
for baptism by relating satisfactorily of the dealings of the Lord
with them -- The Committee on Charitys case indulged till next
meeting + brother Kenneth Bentley added thereto -- A committee
consisting of brother S Meazles, A Spivey, T Carter + A Poindexter
were appointed to gain all information relative to Sister
Dicey White + report next meeting -- Brother B Castelow + wife prayed
letters of dismission they being about to remove to the West + being
in full fellowship they were granted -- Adjourned by prayer +ts

Saturday before the 1st Lords day in September 1831
After preaching came in conference by prayer -- Door opend for
new members -- Agreed to take up references in order
The report of the Committee on Charitys case was unfavorable
by motion, report be rec'd, Committee be discharged + she Excluded
The Committee on Sister Dicy White as above + she excluded --
Brother Joseph Johnson was charged with drunk'ness + swearing
and brother Butterton requested to cite him to attend next meeting
A Committee consisting of brethren Gillam Bond Carter
Taylor Dempsey Spivey + Ryan were appointed to see brother
Jeremiah Legett + inquire into some unfavorable reports
respecting him, which they did + found him clear of impropriety
report recd + Committee discharged + he retained in fellowship --
Sister E Mullen granted a letter of dismission --
Brother James Ross + A Spivey were requested to write a sketch of our
decd Brother Folks life + Land in as soon as maybe
convenient -- Adjourned by prayer +tc

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