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Saturday before the 1st Lords day in October 1831 After preaching
came together in Conference, by prayer, Decorum read, List called
agreed to call references as in order -- Brother Jos Johnsons called he being
still absent agreed to lay it over till next meeting --
Brother James Davis + wife granted letters of dismission

Adjourned by prayer

Saturday before the 1st Lords day in November 1831 (Annal UM)

Saturday before the 1st Lords day in December 1831
After preaching came together in conference by prayer
Door opened for new members when Henry Castelow was
rec'd for baptism by relating an experience of Grance

Jos Johnson still absent when he was by motion Excluded

The Committee handed in the biographical sketch drawn
of our departed brother B Folk which was read + recd
ordered to be registered,
+ Committee discharged -- Charles Capeheart granted a
letter of Dismission -- Resolved we have preaching
at this place on Christmas day next -- Adjourd by prayer

The Biographical sketch of Benjamin Folk decd

The great Sovereign of the Universe has determined from among
the falled Sons of him, to select for himself a people who shall show
forth his praise, by living in obedience to his precepts -- Of such
characters is his kingdom on earth composed; + such a character
we now propose briefly to delineate -- And surely we can
find no more interesting subject for contemplation, than the
humble Christian, who having the love of God shed abroad in his
heart, tramples under foot all wordly vanities, + seeks with delight
that eternal city, the new Jerusalem, whose builder + maker is God

Such we believe was our beloved brother Folk, who departed
this life on the 24th day of August last (1831) in the 60th Year of
his age -- The Youth of this excellent man, prior to his faith in
Christ, was marked by nothing extraordinary, like others of his
age, whose hearts have never been [turned] [?] to the praise of God, he
was pleased + attracted by wordly amusements, to the neglect of tha

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