other part, the immortal soul -- But in the Winter of AD 1802 it
pleased God, who in his own times performs his pleasure, to enlighten
the mind of our departed Brother, by the quickening influences of his holy
Spirit -- He thus discovered himself a lost Sinner, without the interposition
of divine mercy; + finding help in no other, he fled to Christ Jesus as
revealed in his precious Gospel, + found peace + joy in believing in
him -- Our Brother was not slack in openly professing himself
on the Lord's side -- He accordingly attached himself to the Church
at Cashie, + was on the 2d Lords day in February AD 1802 by Elder
Aaron Spivey [buried] [?] with Christ by Baptism --
We need adduce no other evidence to show what piety was
exhibited in his deportment than to state, that on Saturday before
the 1st Lords day in April 1805, he was chosen by the Church to fill
the important office of Deacon -- Those who were longest and
most intimately acquainted with his Christian course, can best
bear testimony to his faithfully discharging the duties of his
office -- He was ever among the first to enquire into the wants of
the needy of the Church, + to propose measures for their relief; + surely
we err not in saying that the hearts of many have been made glad
by his individual appropriations to their wants -- Indeed it is loosing
him as a Deacon that his loss is most felt by this Church, + we surely
are not falling into a [train] [?] of eulogism when we say his place
in this office will not be easily supplied -- Let us now notice
briefly some of the prominent features of our brothers character
and 1st we would mention that liberality of feeling which he over
indulged towards those, holding sentiments differing from his own
For although he was strictly Orthodox, Yet he was no part of a Sectarian
When speaking of other Christian denominations, he would often
say that although they believe not in every point as we do, Yet if they
exemplify the religion of our blessed Saviour by pious lives, we should
regard them as our brothers + as travellers to the same celestial City --
That we should never let our partialities for nor prejudices against
any sect blind the eyes of judgment, but that wherever we discover
to christian exercise, their should our love be [fixed] [?]--
Another leading trait was his great tenderness towards offen
-ding brethren; deeply feeling the depravity of his own heart, and
knowing the [illegible] infirmities of our nature; he was
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