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lenient in his reproofs; + ever sympatized with a brothers [missing]
We have more than once heard him say, that as mercy will some
-times melt the heart of him, whom fear will not alarm, so cha [missing]
-able forbearance will often gain to us our brother, whom stricter
discipline might cause to stray, still farther from the fold of
Christ -- How often have we seen him shedding tears of regret
when it was necessary to reprove disorderly brethren -- It was his
greatest delight to behold brethren, living together as children of the
same parent, heirs of the same inheritance, united in the closest
bonds of christian love + affection --

Another distinquishing feature which characterized this
amiable man, was his habitually cheerfull disposition -- True
his sky was not always serene; but the healing beames which
eminate from the sun of Righteousness, were sometimes interrupted
by [illegible] of darkness; + then doubts harrassed his mind, + would
perhaps drive peace from his bosom -- Yet he being eminently
pious, God was pleased to bless him, with much of his holy
presence; + while thus enjoying the presence of God he was
habitually cheerful -- And this cheerfulness of disposition seems
not to arise from any thing of a light or frivolous nature, but
to be the result of entire resignation to all the decrees of
divine providence, he confidently believing "that all things work
together for good, to those that love God, to those who are the
called according to his purpose --

Tracing our beloved brother in his domestic relations, we
discover the same spirit of tenderness + affection marking
his conduct; As a husband he was ever kind; as a Father
truly tender + affectionate; As a Master merciful + kind +
as an obliging and kind neighbour he will long be remembered

But death has severed all these ties + left us, to mourn
for our deceased brother, Yet we should not mourn as those who
have no hope -- For those of us, which knew him best, feel
convinced, that he has exchanged this for a happier state of
existence -- For though during the former part of his last
afflication, the [inducies] [?] of his gracious state, seemed to be
somewhat darkened; Yet in the end of it, it pleased God, so to
strengthen his faith, as to make him perfectly willing to

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