[depart] [?] + be with Christ -- According to his request
Elder Reuben Lawrence preached his funeral sermon
from the words "Mark the perfect man + behold the upright
for the end of that man is peace" -- The discourse was
peculiarly affectionate + pertinent to the occasion; for evry
one must have felt that the character spoken off in the
text, was none other than the character of our deceased
friend + brother --
Let us therefore who are left as his survivors
endeavor to live as he did, that like his, our end may
be peace ---- Amen
Saturday before the 1st Lords day in February AD 1832
After preaching came in Conference by prayer -- A door for
new members opened -- [struck through: List called] When Delia
Curry was recd for Baptism -- Sister Poindexter came forward +
states though she had removed + a dismission grated her, Yet she
wished to remain with us, her offer was joyfully received +
she continued a member -- Resolved that our brother Abram
Poindexter be licensed to preach wherever the good spirit may
lead him -- Brethren Spivey Gillam + Bond appointed
a Committee to settle the accounts of our late Treasurer -
Brother Hardy Bently prayed a letter of dismission for
himself + wife, they being about to remove to the West which
was granted -- Adjourned by prayer +tc
Saturday before 1st Lords day in March 1832 After
preaching came in Conference by prayer - List called -
A door opened for new members -- Agreed to take references
as in order -- When the Committee to settle with treasurer
beged further indulgence which was granted -- Elizabeth
Laird handed her letter which was read + she receivd
Brother Gillam stated that very unfavorable reports were
in circulation relative to Sister Spence + moved for a
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