[missing] mmittee whereupon Brethren Gillam Bond [missing]
Carter + Spivey were appointed to investigate + report next
meeting -- A proposition was made that in future [missing]
have preaching twice a month which after some discus [missing]
was defered untill next meeting -- Agreed to proceed
with the election of Deacons which results in the choice
of brethren Thomas Gillam + Jonathan S Taylor, proposed
+ agreed to allow them untill our next meeting to
determine whether they will accept of ordination
Then adjourned by prayer +tc
Saturday before 1st Lords day in April 1832
After preaching came in Conference by prayer - Door
opened for new members -- Business called as in order
The Committee on the case of Sister Spence called + beged
indulgence, granted untill next meeting -- Agreed next
to consider the convenience + propriety under present
circumstances of our thin [?] ministry of having regular
preaching 4 days in the month, which after some
discussion was determined to have it in addition to
our present stated time Saturday + Sunday the 3d --
Deacons prayed further indulgence to answer their
acceptance of ordination which was granted
Roderic + Milly belonging to William Blanchard
prayed letters of dismission which was granted --
Agreed that Elder R Laurence + brethren Gillam + Bond
+ in failure Carter + Spivey be + are hereby appointed
our delagates to the Association -- that our Clerk write the
Letter + two + half dollars be the fund --
Bob belonging to William Ward was accused of being
engaged in a fight whereupon brethren Outlaw Taylor
+ Carter were appointed to investigate + report next
meeting --
Adjourned by prayer +
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