p. 211




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1971] The Journals of Increase Allen Lapham 211

Falls, which we supposed to be the Waxy Zinc blende. I showed it
to Mr. D. S. Bates who said he had found it at Rochester on the [p. 59]
Genesee river and had it analyzed and found lead in its composition?
It may be the pyramidal lead spar or yellow lead spar but I should doubt
it. The fact goes to prove the similarity of the rocks at Rochester,
Niagara Falls and the Falls of Ohio. At the two former places it is the
Geodiferous limerock of Eaton at the Ohio Falls it is very dubious what
to call it.

In the forenoon I had some drawing to do of the Lock gate &c. In
the Afternoon I went to Louisville and got "Longs expedition to the
Rocky Mountains" which I had lent to Mr. Goodwin. [p. 60]

Wednesday June 25. There was little for me to do today Judge Bates
& Mr. Henry were engaged in making out calculations & relating to
the proposed alteration of the line. I went up the canal in the forenoon
and counted the men which were at work.

June 26. Last night I went into the waters of the Ohio, which made me
very cool & comfortable during the night. I went up the canal this
morning to get the time lists and got through with them about noon
when I received a letter [p. 61] from Darius Dated at Chillicothe where
he had arrived a few days before the family.86 I spent the afternoon in
regulating our lists &c.

June 27. Friday. In the forenoon I was in the office copying the reports
Estimates &c. At noon I sent a letter to Pazzi announcing to him my
intention of sending him the last No of Silliman’s Journal. Judge Bates
made a very long communication to the Board of Directors in which
he states his intention wish to resign his office as Principal Engi-
neer, but that he is willing to remain until Sept. 1828, if it should be
required. [p. 62]

Saturday June 28. After doing a little drawing this morning I went to
Louisville to get the money on the order I got yesterday on my wages
for 21 dollars. Got back about noon, bought Constoacks Mineralogy87
which I was there. In the afternoon he board of Directors held a meet-
ing at Mr. Berthoud's office for the purpose of ascertaining whether the
charges made against the contractors were correct.

June 29. This morning after breakfast I took leave of Judge Bates who
now starts for Ohio. [p. 63] I stayed at home nearly all the time this

Monday June 30, 1828. In the forenoon after drawing two plans of
the Bridge Centres I went up the canal and returned about noon. In
the afternoon Mr. Henry went to Louisville to meet the Board of Di-
rectors and present the proofs which he had for the charges made

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In the fourth full paragraph the italicized word "intention" is enclosed in Editors' marks < > which cannot be transcribed.