Col. Sp. Rees' Cyclop.
Scarabaeus Lin. Cetoria-Gymnetis
nitidulus, Lin. Green testaceous polished, shield emarginate; elytra pointed Am. Small.
areatus Lin. Black downy; elytra rufous on the disk; gibbose behind with a single raised line. Virginia. [Trichius]
[l?]unulatus Lin. Smoothe, blue; elytra with 2 white lunulets; shield marginate; elytra very short. Carolina Mass.
daleta, Lin. Thorax black, with a whie triangle; elytra testaceous with a brown spot. Am.
Erotylus Fab.
lugubris Fab. Testaceous; antennae and shanks black. Am.
5-punctatus, Fab. Oval; elytra black with 5 red dots. Am.
punctatissimus, Fab. Black; elytra yellow with numerous black dots Am.
Hispa Lin.
sanguinicollis. Lin. Antennae fusiform; thorax & base of elytra sanguineous; elytra serrated at the tip, with three elevated striae, intermediate spaces punctured Am.
Hister Lin.
unicolor Lin. Black; elytra obliquely striated. Europe & Am. Mass
4-dentatus, Oliv. Depressed black & polished; elytra with a single stripe; jaws excerted, longer than the head. North Am.
abbreviatus Lin. Black; elytra with crenated striae, the inner ones abbreviated Mass Am.
Lucanus Lin
siga, Lin. Jaws exerted, many toothed; lip abbreviated, emarginate; body depressed smoothe black; jaws hardly forked at the end. Am.
elaphus, Lin. Jaws exerted, 1-toothed, forked at the tip; lip deflected comic; hind margin of the head much elevated emarginate. Virginia
dama Lin. Jaws exserted, 2-toothed within, as long as the head. Virginia
bison, Lin. Jaws exserted, many-toothed; thorax & elytra edged with red. Am.
bubalus, Lin. Black; jaws bifid, one part projecting, subulate 3 toothed within, the other larger deflected arched, entire. Georgia.
interruptus. Antennae arched; body black, with a recumbent spine on the crown; thorax & abdomen remote; thorax & elytra ciliatus with rufous Am. (Passallus interruptus Fab)
Lampysis Lin (Glow worm)
corrusca Lin. Dull black; shield with a rosy crescent each side. N. Am. Mass
marginata Lin. Oblong black; margin round the thorax, elytra scutel and posterior part of the abdomen yellow. Antennae fuscus, base yellow legs varigated-Am.
pectinata Fab. Black; outer base of the sides of the shield, and apex of the abdomen & elyutra white; antennae pectinated, nearly as long as the body Am.
hispera Oliv. Ovate; elytra brown with a triangular marginal yellow spot. Am.
phosphorea Degear. Oblong; subtestaceous; abdomen black, behind fine yellow Am.
atra Fab. Deep black; margin of the thorax rufous; antennae serrated N. Am.
Leptura Lin
luteicornis Fab. Yellow; thorax with two black lines; elytra with 4 black bands; head & antennae yellow; legs yellow; posterior thighs with a black ring. Carolina Mass.
bicolorata, Swedeus. Pale ferruginous; eyes, elytra, wings & tail above black. Am.
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