Box 14, Folder 7: Crustacea N.D





III.2 - Montona Lyctus Colydium 27 Mycetophagus Latndius 27 Silvanus Trogosita III.3. [underline]Platysoma[/underline] Cusujus Uleoiota III 4. [underline]Longicomes[/underline] 1. [underline]Prionii[/underline] Parandra Priounus 2. [underline]Cerambrcini[/underline] Callichroma Steboconus 28.39 Cerambyx Callidium 28.32.39 Stenopterus 3. [underline]Lamiarice[/underline] Acanthrocynus Tetraopes Mesosa Lamia 27.38 Laperda 27.31 4. [underline]Leptura[/underline] Desmocerus Rhagrum 28 Rhammusium Leptura 27.28.41 III.5. [underline]Eupoda[/underline] 1. [underline]Sagrides[/underline] Orsodacma 28 2. [underline]Crioceride[/underline] Donacia 28 Crioceris III.6. [underline]Cyclica[/underline] 1 [underline]Cassidaria[/underline] Hispa 28.41 Imatidium Cassida 28.38 2 [underline]Chrusolekanoe[/underline] Clythra 28 Chlamys Cryptocephalus 29.40.43 Eumolpus 29.32.39 Colaspis 29 Chrysomella 29.39 Prascuris 3. [underline]Galenicitoe[/underline] Galeruca 30.32 Altica 32 Aediomychus Dibolia III.7. [underline]Clairpalpi[/underline] Triplax Languria 29 Phalacrus Agathidium IV. 1. [underline]Fungricola[/underline] Eumosphus Endomychus Lycoperdima IV. 2. [underline]Aphidiphagi[/underline] Lithophyllus Coccinnella 32.37 Clypeaster IV. 3. [underline]Pselaphii[/underline] Pselaphus.

Last edit over 1 year ago by EricRoscoe


Coleoplera- Genera

Cicindela, Lin. Lat. Antennae ^ filiform inserted into the anterior margin of the eyes; palpi filiform, the intermediate and posterior ones nearly equal penultimate joint of the latter hairy; thorax short; elytra flat rounded at tip; elypeus shorter than the labrum. Page 9.1 Nemognatha, Illig. Maxillae very much elongated inflected filiform. (Zonitis Fab. Lat.) 17,20 Zonitis, Fab. Lat Maxillae not elongated; antennae with the 1st & 3d joint of the same length, & the second a little shorter the 3d & following cylindrical, the last one fusiform terminating abruptly in a short point.

Brachinus Web. Fab. Web. Fab. Anterior tibia emarginate; elytra truncated at the tip; palpi filiform; labium subquadrate; neck none; abdomen with interior vessels inclosing a caustic, volatile & detonating fluid nails simple. p 9.21

Cymindis. Anterior tibia emarginate; e;ytra truncated at tip; exterior maxillary palpi filiform; labiales terminated by a sculefiform joint; neck none; body depressed & destitute of the secretory organs which furnish the detonating fluid; nails pectinated. p. 9

Lebia Lat. Bonell.-Anterior tibia emarginate; elytra truncated at tip palpi filiform; terminal joint cylindtrical, hardly truncate; thorax wider than long; penultimate tarsal joint bilobate; nails pectinated. 9

Galerita, Fab. Anterior tibia emarginate; elytra truncated at tip; palpi securiform; tongue excerted, coreaceous in the middle, membranous each side, and pointed at tip; neck distinct; penultimate tarsal joint bilobate. p 10

Odacantha Fab. Anterior tibia emarginate; elytra truncated at tip; head attenuated behind; palpi filiform; tongue exserted, coreaceous in the middle, and membranous on each side. p 10

Scarites, Fab. Anterior tibia emarginate & crenate, elytra entire; antennae short 3d & 4th joint moneiliform, subequal; labrum short dentated mandibles elongated; dentated; palpi filiform; tongue dilated very short emarginate at tip; thorax rounded behind; body subcylindrical 10

Pasimactus, Bonell. Lat. Anterior tibia emarginate & crenate; elytra entire antennae short 3d & 4th joints not moniliform; labrum dentated; mandibles strongly dentate palpi filiform; tongue dilated very short & emarginate; thorax subcordate truncate behind; body dilated depressed 10

Clivena, Latr. Anterior tibia emarginate & crenate; elytra entire labrum entire mandibles with obsolete teeth; tongue prominent membranous each side; thorax rounded. 10

Morio Latr. Anterior tibia emarginate; elytra entire; palpi filiform; antennae moniliform, joints subequal; tongue prominent, truncate at tip and membranous each side; mandibles acute. 10

Harpalus. Latr. Anterior tibia emarginate; four anterior tarsi dilated in the male; elytra entire; antennae filiform, joints subcylindrical; labrum subquadrate, entire, or very slightly emarginate; palpi filiform; tongue exserted, cylindrical & coreaceous in the middle, & membranous each side, tip truncate unarmed; neck none. 10

Last edit about 1 year ago by EricRoscoe


Coleoptera Genera Feronia, Lat. (Abax, Epomis, Chloenius and Dicelus, distinguished from this)

Abax, Bonell. Anterior tibia emarginate; antenna moniliform, elytra entire, united; wings none; labium with the intermediate tooth obtuse or truncated; thorax large; transversely quadrate; basal angles each with two abbreviated striae; anterior tarsi of the mail with three dilated joints.

Epomis, Bon.Lat. Anterior tibia emarginate; two anterior tarsi dilated in the mail, and furnished beneath with dense, granuliform papillae, antenna filiform; labrum entire; palpi with terminal joint dilated obtriangular

Chlaenius, Bon. Lat. Anterior tibia emarginate; two anterior tarsi dilated in the mail, and furnished beneath with dense granuliform papillae antennae filiform, joints elongated; labrum entire; palpi filiform.

Dicaelus, Bon. Lat. Anterior tibia emarginate, two anterior tarsi dilated in the male and furnished beneath with dense, granuliform papillae antennae filiform; labrum profoundly emarginate.

Panagaeus, Latr. Anterior tibia emarginate, elytra entire; exterior maxillary and labial palpi with the terminal joint sub=securiform; tridentate, middle tooth short; obtuse; tongue short; head small; labium much wider at bone; neck distinct abrupt; thorax orbicular; abdomen subquadrate; antennae filiform.

Calosoma, Weber. Anterior tibia entire elytra entire; exterior maxillary and labial palpi with the terminal joint hardly longer than the preceding joint; mandible unarmed robust, labum transverse bilobate; labium profoundly emarginate and with a short acute tooth in the middle; antennae, second joint one third as long as the following one thorax transversal sub=oval; abdomen subquadrate.

Carabus Lin. Lat. Anterior tibia entire; exterior maxillary and labial palpi, subtriangular, dilated; mandibles not elongated robust; labrum very short, transverse, bilobate; labium profoundly emarginate and with a central tooth; antennae 2 and joining half as long as the next thorax subcordate emarginate behind; abdomen oval.

Nebria Lat. Anterior tibia and elytra entire; exterior maxillary and labial palpi with the last joint elongated subcylindrical, the latter of equal joints; tongue not longer than the labrum, and not tricuspidate at tip; labrum entire labrum profoundly emarginate, and with an emarginate obtuse central tooth; mandibles not dilated at base, thorax truncate obcordate; abdomen oval depressed; antennae filiform.

Omophron, Lat. Tongue very short, antennae filiform; maxillae cilliated on the exterior side; body short, nearly hemispherical; thorax trapezoidal transverse, sinuated or lobed behind; anterior pair of tibia slightly em= arginate on the inner side.

Last edit over 1 year ago by EricRoscoe


Coleptera Genera Elaphrus Fab. Antennae hardly longer than the head and thorax, somewhat more robust towards the hipñ external maxillary and labial palpi with the ultimate joint subcylindrical, longer than the preceding joint; labium profoundly emarginate;maxillae hardly ciliated on their external side; thorax subcyclindrical; somewhat dilated in the middle; unequally longer than broad; anterior tibia emarginate on the inner side.

Nothiophilus, Dumeril. Antennae not longer than the head and thorax; rather more robust towards the hip; external maxillary and labial palpi with the terminal joint sulcylindrick, , large, and longer than the preceding joint; labium profoundly emarginate; maxillary hardly ciliated on their external side, thorax depressed transverse, sub= quadrate; anterior tibia emarginate on their inner side.

Trechus, blairville. Anterior tibia emarginate; anterior and intermediate tarsi of the male dilated; elytra and wings entire; palpi filiform, the last joint of the exterior ones as long or longer than the preceding joint, not narrowed at base but forming with that joint a fusciform mass.

Dytiscus, Lin. Lat. Antennae longer than the head setaceous; scutel distinct; three basal joints of the anterior tarsi, {in?} the male dilated, pateliform; palpi filiform

Colymbetes, Clairville. Antennae longer than the head, setaceous; scutel distinct; basal joints of the four anterior tarsi of the male almost equally dilated, not pateliform; palpi filiform.

Laccophilus Leach. Antennae longer than the head setaceous; scutel none; anterior tarsal joints of the male not pateliform; palpi filiform.

Hydrophorus Clariville. Four anterior tarsi apparently four = jointed, the fourth joint minute and with the base of the fifth concealed in a profound fissure of the third joint; body oval, the breadth greater than the height; scutel none

Hydrocanthus, Say. Antennae rather longer than the head, somewhat thicker in the middle; scutel none; maxillary palpi filiform labiales, terminal joint dilated, subovate, compressed entire; anterior tibia mucronate, tarsal joint of the male not pateliform; a small pectoral scale covering the origin of the posterior feet.

Halipus Lat. Antennae 10=jointed; palpi subulate; scutel none; tarsi filiform 5=jointed, posterior thighs concealed at base by a clypeiform scale; body oval, thick

Gyrinus Lin. Antennae shorter than the head, second joint with a laterla process; eyes apparently four; two posterior pairs of feet dilated very much compressed.

Moneilema. Say. Elytra undivided; wings none. [near Lamia]

Last edit over 1 year ago by EricRoscoe


4 Coleoptera Genera Pyrochroa? Last joint of palpi larger subsecuriform; penultimate joint of the torri remarkably bifid; joints of the antennae subcylindrical; antennae inserted in a groove of the eye. (Hents.) Chauliognathus, Hents. Antennae nearly as long as the elytra, mandibles are = mated, entire, apex acute; maxilla with the upper lobe, at least, extensible during life; palpi with their last joint larger, subsecuriform; body soft; elytra shorter than the abdomen; head generally attenuated behind [Family Lampyrides - Gen. Cantharis Lin. Telephorus, Olis. Malthinus Lat] Macrosiagon, Hentz. (Rifilphorus Bose Teal) Tarsi with all their joints simple; palpi subfiliform; anyennae pectinated; maxillae with the upper lobe filiform, longer than the palpi; scutellum not apparent; abdomen abruptly trun = cated; elytra dehiscent, longer than the abdomen. [ Family Mordellonae] Amblycheila Say [ Matricola - Jour Aead.] Labrum transverse; mandible, prominent, toothed; labial palpi elongated; mentumy tooth robust, prominent canaliculate before, acute; antennae 2d joint 2/3 the length of the 3d; wings none; elytia united; eye very small hemispherical entire; clypeus at tip entire 21 Aretharia, Say [ Near Cicindela & Lebia] Elytra truncated; terminal joint of the maxillary palpi acicular; anterior tibia simple. /2 33 Spheracra Say [ Odacantha in Vol. 2] Elytra entire; tibiae emarginate; terminal joint of the tarsi profoundly bilobate; nails simple; head as long behind the eyes as before them; thorax subcylindric; anntenae much shorter than the body; basal joint much shorter than the head; joints excepting the 2 not very unequal in length, subcylindric; babrum emarginate palpi with terminal joint somewhat fusiform, subacute; mentum with a prominent acute central tooth. p 10 Coptotomus, Saoy. Tarsi 5= jointed; posterior feet natatory, base of the thighs naked; antennae 11 = jointed, at least as long as the head & thorax, filiform; scutel distinct; terminal joint of the palpi somewhat compressed at tip and emarginate p 35 Molosoma, Say. Labrum entire; palpi filiform terminal joint of the maxillaries much longer than the 2d, slightly attended at the tip; antennae before the eyes, inserted under the margin, gradually thicker at tip, four last joints larger; body cylindric; thorax truncate at base; abdomen with the penultimate segment longest; tibia spinous a little arquated. [ near Oxytelus.]

Cerambyx Lin. Fab. Antennae ceatceous; feelers four; thorax spinous or gibbous; elytra linear jaws obtuse & armed with a single tooth. Feelers filiform; lip bifid.

Prinos Fab. Feelers 4, filiform; jaw cylindrical & entire; lip short & membraneous; antennae setaceous. Eyes reniform embracing the base of the antennae; thorax flat, marginate body oblong, depressed

Lamia Fab. Feelers 4, filiform; jaws horny, bifid; lip cleft, horny; antennae setaceous, and elongated; head large obtuse declining; eyes reniform, embracing the base of the antennae; thorax cylindrical & uneven; elytra as long as the abdomen body cylindrical

Stenocorus Fab. Antennae 4, anterior ones filiform, posterior elevated; antennae setaceous long & filiform; eyes reniform embracing the base of the antennae; thorax rounded; elytra length of the abdomen, frequently with two teeth at the apex; body somewhat cylindrical.

Callidium Fab. Feelers 4, elevated; jaw membraceous & bifid; lip 2=cleft antennae setaceous. Head ovate obtuse, inserted; thorax flat with rounded & rather prom= inent margin; elytra rigid, length of the abdomen; body flatish somewhat depressed and often pubescent; legs elongated formed for running.

Last edit over 1 year ago by EricRoscoe
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