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We give figures illustrating in a more or less full manner nearly every genus of grass found in Illinois.

The different kinds of grass are naturally adapted to different situations (stations) some preferring low wet grounds others grow only on land that is elevated and dry. Some prefer the shade of forest trees, while others flourish best on the most exposed parts of the broad prairies, fully exposed to the rays of the sun from morning till night. Other species are aquatic, and will only grow on land constantly covered with water.

Buds are formed at each joint; and as the joints or nodes of running roots are very short and numerous, this is [forms] means of a very rapid propogation. Every small section of one of these roots contain a number of buds or eyes. This quality of the root-stalks of grass is taken advantage of to impose the condition of meadows by "scarifying" and it becomes a pest when found in species which we desire to exterminate. Thus the crouch when cut by the plough only sends up the more numerous shoots.

Sugar cane at the south is propogated by burying a portion of the stem containing several joints, with their buds. These buds, shoot up to form the new plants, and also send down roots to seek the necessary supply of vegetable food.

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