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2 revisions | EricRoscoe at Aug 10, 2022 09:32 PM p.3In the same work, volume 46, for 1843,
we find a catalogue of a collection of plants made
in Illinois and Missouri by Charles A. Geyer,
with critical remarks [&?] by George Engelmann
M.D. of St Louis. In this paper several
new species are described, and quite a number
added to the flora of the state. In the same work, volume 46, for 1843, p.3In the same work, volume 46, for 1843,
we find a catalogue of a collection of plants made
in Illinois and Missouri by Charles A. Geyer,
with critical remarks [&?] by George Engelmann
M.D. of St Louis. In this paper several
new species are described, and quite a number
added to the flora of the state. In the same work, volume 46, for 1843, |