Chapter I, Oryzeae, p. 7
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3 revisions | lutholtz at Dec 01, 2022 02:37 PM Chapter I, Oryzeae, p. 72
Leersia lenticularis
Fly-catch grass
7 Stendel say p 2.
4 Spring p 264, Kth 181, Emm 6
8 Gray, Man p 540
6 Darby p 572
Michaux Fl. p 39 1803
2. Ph. Fl. p 62 1816
5 Lap Wis Ag Tr 3p 418 1853 fig 1
3 Ell SR 1 p 100 1821
Kenneth Eu p 6
L. ovata poir - stend sym p 2.
Asprella lenticularis R&S sys 2 p 27
ovata R&S 2 p267
Wet places. Aug Sept
N. Car. Va. Florida - Dr. AW Chapman
N&S 2 Leersia lenticularis 7 Stendel say p 2. L. ovata poir - stend sym p 2. Wet places. Aug Sept N. Car. Va. Florida - Dr. AW Chapman Illinois! Chapter I, Oryzeae, p. 72
Leersia lenticularis
Fly-catch grass
7 Stendel say p 2.
4 Spring p 264, Kth 181, Emm 6
8 Gray, Man p 540
6 Darby p 572
Michaux Fl. p 39 1803
2. Ph. Fl. p 62 1816
5 Lap Wis Ag Tr 3p 418 1853 fig 1
3 Ell SR 1 p 100 1821
Kenneth Eu p 6
L. ovata poir - stend sym p 2.
Asprella lenticularis R&S sys 2 p 27
ovata R&S 2 p267
Wet places. Aug Sept
N. Car. Va. Florida - Dr. AW Chapman
N&S 2 Leersia lenticularis 7 Stendel say p 2. L. ovata poir - stend sym p 2. Wet places. Aug Sept N. Car. Va. Florida - Dr. AW Chapman Illinois! |