Chapter I, Oryzeae, p. 8


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2 revisions
lutholtz at Dec 01, 2022 02:44 PM

Chapter I, Oryzeae, p. 8

3 stamens 3 Lersia Virginica Wildenow, Sp. 1 p 325 - 1797 Muhlenberg p. 59 - 1817 Elliott sketch 1 p 100 - 1821 Torrey, Flora p 74 - 1824 Beck, Bot. p 419 1833 Sprengel Syst. 1 p 264 1825 Kenneth Enum. 1 p 6 1833 Darlington Fl. Cest. p 356 1853 Lapham Wis. Ag. Tr. 3 p 417 1853 Darby South Bot. p 572 1855 Gray Manuel p 540 1856 Michaux Fl. 1 p. 39 1803 Asprell Virginica, Roem & Schutz Syst 2 p 266 White grass Rice grass Wet woods, borders of swamps &c Flowers in August and September Northern, Southern & Western states. Mass RI NY PA MD Ohio! KY drew short! Ill. Mich. Wis. N. Car. S. Car. GA Fla Ark NESW


stamens 3

Lersia Virginica

Wildenow, Sp. 1 p 325 - 1797
Muhlenberg p. 59 - 1817
Elliott sketch 1 p 100 - 1821
Torrey, Flora p 74 - 1824
Beck, Bot. p 419 1833
Sprengel Syst. 1 p 264 1825
Kenneth Enum. 1 p 6 1833
Darlington Fl. Cest. p 356 1853
Lapham Wis. Ag. Tr. 3 p 417 1853
Darby South Bot. p 572 1855
Gray Manuel p 540 1856
Michaux Fl. 1 p. 39 1803

Asprell Virginica, Roem & Schutz Syst 2 p 266
White grass
Rice grass

Wet woods, borders of swamps &c
Flowers in August and September

Northern, Southern & Western states.
Mass RI NY PA MD Ohio! KY drew short! Ill. Mich. Wis. N. Car. S. Car. GA Fla Ark


Chapter I, Oryzeae, p. 8