Chapter I, Oryzeae, p. 15


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2 revisions
lutholtz at Dec 01, 2022 04:18 PM

Chapter I, Oryzeae, p. 15

10 387 Ph. 60 5 Kunth En 1 p 10 4 Spreng 2 p 136 Michaux F. 1 p 74 803 7 Darby p 573 6 Lapham Wis Ag Tr 3 p 421 8 Stend p 4 3 Ell SR 2 p 586 1824 9 Gray Man p 540 1856 Reimaria diffusa Spreng (very doubtful) Zizania Miliacea In water Apl May Arkansas Nutt Florida Dr. A.W. Chapman Pa to Carol (Ph) Ohio S. Car. Ga. NWESW

10 387

Ph. 60
5 Kunth En 1 p 10
4 Spreng 2 p 136
Michaux F. 1 p 74 803
7 Darby p 573
6 Lapham Wis Ag Tr 3 p 421
8 Stend p 4
3 Ell SR 2 p 586 1824
9 Gray Man p 540 1856
Reimaria diffusa Spreng (very doubtful)

Zizania Miliacea

In water Apl May

Arkansas Nutt
Florida Dr. A.W. Chapman
Pa to Carol (Ph)
Ohio S. Car. Ga.


Chapter I, Oryzeae, p. 15