Chapter II, Agrostideae, p. 16
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3 revisions | lutholtz at Dec 01, 2022 04:44 PM Chapter II, Agrostideae, p. 16II
10 7 Vilfa
11 8 Greenia
9 9 Sporobolus
8 10 Agrostis
12 H Crypsis
2 12 Polypogon
2 13 Cinna
7 14 Muhlenbergia
5 15 Calycodon
6 16 Pleopodon
4 17 Brachyelytrum
18 Calamagrostis
19 Deyeuxia
1 Sclerachne
18 Phleum
14 Alopecius
15 Aegopogon
Glimmer equal, or unequal, concave or keeled, membraceous; paleal membranaceous; scales 2; grain free; inflorceus, panelled, open, or often contracted, but not strictly spiked. II Glimmer equal, or unequal, concave or keeled, membraceous; paleal membranaceous; scales 2; grain free; inflorceus, panelled, open, or often contracted, but not strictly spiked. Chapter II, Agrostideae, p. 16II
10 7 Vilfa
11 8 Greenia
9 9 Sporobolus
8 10 Agrostis
12 H Crypsis
2 12 Polypogon
2 13 Cinna
7 14 Muhlenbergia
5 15 Calycodon
6 16 Pleopodon
4 17 Brachyelytrum
18 Calamagrostis
19 Deyeuxia
1 Sclerachne
18 Phleum
14 Alopecius
15 Aegopogon
Glimmer equal, or unequal, concave or keeled, membraceous; paleal membranaceous; scales 2; grain free; inflorceus, panelled, open, or often contracted, but not strictly spiked. II Glimmer equal, or unequal, concave or keeled, membraceous; paleal membranaceous; scales 2; grain free; inflorceus, panelled, open, or often contracted, but not strictly spiked. |