p. 299


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3 revisions
EricRoscoe at Jul 17, 2022 11:10 PM

p. 299

Rock Lake is near the middle of the town of Aztalan two miles and three quarters long, one mile and a quarter wide and covers an area of sixteen hundred and fifty three acres, or a little over two and a half sections. Its name is derived from the unusual number of rocks along the shore thrown up by the expansion of ice in water into a ridge in many places several feet in height. It discharges its waters through a small stream in a north easterly direction into the West Branch. The shores of this lake are high and present a beautiful propect to the eye.

At the outlet of this lake a water power has been created; mills erected, and a small village called Kyesville has sprung up within the last year or two.


p. 299

Rock Lake is near the middle of the town of Aztalan two miles and three quarters long, one mile and a quarter wide and covers an area of sixteen hundred and fifty three acres, or a little over two and a half sections. Its name is derived from the unusual number of rocks along the shore thrown up by the expansion of ice in water into a ridge in many places several feet in height. It discharges its waters through a small stream in a north easterly direction into the West Branch. The shores of this lake are high and present a beautiful propect to the eye.

At the outlet of this lake a water power has been created; mills erected, and a small village called Kyesville has sprung up within the last year or two.