p. 738


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2 revisions
EricRoscoe at Jul 12, 2022 09:55 PM

p. 738

Rubicon, a branch of Rock river, rising in a small lake very near the Musquewoc Lake in Washington county, and running west enters Rock river [one mile] in Dodge county three miles below Hastis rapids.

Rufus river, a branch of the Chippewa river, near its source, the outlet of Tomahawk Lake.

Rum River (Missisagaiegon, and Ishkode=wabo, of the Indians) a branch of the Mississippi river fourteen miles above the falls of St. Anthony, sixty yards wide at its mouth; and navigable for canoes one hundred and fifty miles to Mille Lac. It rises west of Fond du Lac off Lake Superior, very near the St. Louis river. Rum river is the outlet of Spirit Lake.


p. 738

Rubicon, a branch of Rock river, rising in a small lake very near the Musquewoc Lake in Washington county, and running west enters Rock river [one mile] in Dodge county three miles below Hastis rapids.

Rufus river, a branch of the Chippewa river, near its source, the outlet of Tomahawk Lake.

Rum River (Missisagaiegon, and Ishkode=wabo, of the Indians) a branch of the Mississippi river fourteen miles above the falls of St. Anthony, sixty yards wide at its mouth; and navigable for canoes one hundred and fifty miles to Mille Lac. It rises west of Fond du Lac off Lake Superior, very near the St. Louis river. Rum river is the outlet of Spirit Lake.