Box 7, Folder 4: Correspondence 1838-1839



Letter from Increase Allen Lapham to Charles W. Short, December 30th

Letter from Increase Allen Lapham to Charles W. Short, December 30th


Milwaukee, December 30th, 1839

Dear Sir,

I send to you the enclosed letter to Mr. Nuttall because, not being acquainted with him, I wish you to add for me your request that he will comply with my request to send me the account of his former travels in Wisconsin; and also because I do not know where or by what title to address him. I send also two copies of the Catalogue, one of which you will please forward to him. By so doing you will confer an additional favor on me.

Are there any plants enumerated in the Catalogue of which you want specimens?- If so, please inform me:- I have a few specimens that I suppose may interest you, and may have many more, but do not know how to make a selection.

I have not had much time to devote to botany this year, but hope to spend more time in the country during the next.

Respectfully yours

(Signed) I. A. Lapham.

Dr. C. W. Short.

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Jannyp


No 1.

Milwaukee November 30th 1839

I hereby certify that Sylvester Pettibone has done work on Sec. 55 of the Milwaukee & Rock River Canal not previously estimated, to the amount of sixty dollars and ninety cents.

I. A. Lapham. Engineer

Whole amt estimated $ 60.90 Former estimates 0.00 Present estimate $ 60.90

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Jannyp


Estimate Sec. 55 S. Pettibone Contract November 30th 1839.

Grub & clean - 5 chains @ $3.00 15.00 Exca - Muck ditch 226 yds @ 20 45.20 $60.90

Whole amt 60.90 Former estimes 0.00 Prnt Est $60.90

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Jannyp


S. Pettibone's [??] on Sec 55.

Last edit almost 3 years ago by EricRoscoe


[Nov. 1839.]

Estimate - Milwaukee & Rock River Canal

Western Division Sec 1. From Sta p/ to 30 = 90 chains

Grub - light & exatring timber 90 ch @ 2.00 -- $ 180.00 Exca - 9 ch. 19 ft deep - 2752 x 9 = 24.768 yd } 29.262 @ 6 " 3 " -- 229 - 6 1.374 's } Tow path 78b chain - 40 yds per ch = 3,1 20 yds }

Sec 2 - From Sta 30 to 64 = 102 chains Grub. 102 chains - light open grubbing @ $1.00 - 102.00 Exca 9 ch 3 ft A -- 2,061 Emb Singles B - 9 3 = 3.00 B - 50.313

Sec 3. From Sta 64 to 118 Grub 162 ch - light = medium -- $3.00 - 486 Exca 57 ch 3.50 ft --- 15,675 Single B. - 15 " 4.50 B --- 10,410 " -- 66 " 1.50 A --- 12.540 22.950 Tow path 24 " 40 yds --- 960

1860 yds masonry --- @ 8.00 2[??]00 pit exca 2,300 No 1 & 2 locks 208 ft lift each Lock pit -- Lock Emb2400 yds Lock Embk ---

Single B 20 Sec 4 -- around Nagowicka Lake From 118 to 119 Grub 140 ch -- @ 1.00 120 ch Tow path 40 yds for ch - 4800 yds 20 " single B- 0.00 A 5.800

Sec 5 -- From Nagowicka to NaMahbu Lake St from 119 to 168 Grub -- 147 ch $3.00 Exc 135 ch 3 ft A --- 30.915 Simple Emb -- 12 " 3 ft B. --- 6492 2 locks 8ft lift -- No 3 & 4 1810 masonry 2400 pit 4500 L. Ent

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Jannyp
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