p. 37




Status: Complete


have open housing if they could avoid making the difficult political decision regarding it. Milwaukee could make the decision for them. Finally, if the suburban municipalities or the suburbanites reacted with various kinds of harassment, Milwaukee is not without offsetting power. For example, if title were retained by the City through a land contract, the property would be entitled to protection by City police. While this might be costly, funds could be made available to pay for the police. For example, Milwaukee could provide in its contract that the person owning the house would pay the cost of providing any police protection that the City is called on to provide. This could be fixed at the property tax savings that would result if Milwaukee claimed the property was municipally owned and thus exempt from property taxes in the other municipality. The exemption is probably available under Section 70.11(2) of the Wisconsin Statutes. If more drastic measures were necessary, the City could annex the property to the City under the provisions of Wisconsin Statutes Section 66.025.

The financing required for this proposal is modest. Further, it would involve no real risk to the City if only those persons were financed who, but for discrimination, could acquire housing in the suburban area. The proposal involves no real subsidy to induce these purchases, though such an inducement could be provided--if only by City financing--which would pass the City's

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