p. 2
To the Honorable Council & House of Representatives of Wisconsin Territory
Your memorialists, citizens of Burlington & Spring Prairie, would respectfully ask your honorable body to annul the marriage contract now existing between Seth H. Marquizee and Lucinda his wife - chiefly for the following reasoning that all hope of said parties living together harmoniously is wholly, and forever dissipated - and the circumstance of the case are such, that the best interes of, not only the parties themselves, but the neighbourhood in which they are both permanently located, would be promoted by such a measure - your memorialists therefore urgently request the passage of a Bill, to divorce said parties.
Dec 25th 1844
Allan Wagener
Rufus Billings
MJ [illegible]
John Raleigh
S.A. Martin
O. Martin
LH Martin
Ch Martin
Stephen Healy
Amon Healy
Wm G. Lavis
John Bell
George Bell
Wm Pool
P. Gardnee
Joseph Devinson
Samuel Neff
E Salisbury
Abel Neff
Elkanah Bullock
Timothy Bigelow
William K Smith
Giles Salisbury
Thomas W. Millers
Orrin Elmer
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