Petition for a road that will connect to the Milwaukee, Janesville, and Watertown roads
Access Rights: For more information, please contact
State/Territory: Wisconsin Territory
Community: Janesville; Milwaukee; Watertown
Date: 1839
Description: Petitioners request a territorial road that will connect to the Milwaukee, Janesville, and Watertown roads.
Publisher-Electronic: Wisconsin Historical Society
Digital Format: XML
Digital Identifier: Ser180.021201
Language: English
Original Title: Petition for a road
Publication Date-Electronic: 2020
Rights Statement: No Copyright - United States. Item is in the Public Domain under the laws of the United States.
Rights URI:
Source: Petitions, remonstrances, and resolutions, 1836-1997, 2009
Subject: roads
Title/Page: Petition for a road that will connect to the Milwaukee, Janesville, and Watertown roads
Genre: citizen petition; legal document
Repository: Wisconsin Historical Society Online Collections
Source: From: Petition for a road that will connect to the Milwaukee, Janesville, and Watertown roads