p. 2
To the Honorable the Legislative Council and House of Republicans in Madison Assembles
We your petitioners would humbly shew that we labour under serious inconveniences in consequence of not having a road direct from where the Milwaukee and Janesville road crosses the town line of 3 and 4 in Range 16 and sections 31 and 6 to intersect the Janesville and Watertown road recently laid that crosses the town line of three and 4 in range 13 and sections 33 and 4. Therefore we pray your honors would appoint contingencies for to lay out a territorial road from where the Milwaukee and Janesville road crosses the town line of 3 & 4 in range 16 and sections 31 and 6 on the town line of 3 and 4 to intersect the Janesville and Watertown road recently laid crossing the town line of 3 and 4 in range 13 sections 3 and 4 there being no road laid out on this town line, we deem it but an act of justice whilst in answer to the prayers of others that there should be a road laid immediately on this town line.
We your petitioners will ever pray &c.
Rock County Nov. 10th 1839
F. Chickering
DW Butts
S Hubbell
John C Peck
Dewey A Clark
Gardner Hull
John Janes
Joseph Kern
C.F. Hutchinson
DS Wilcox
William James
C.S. [illegible]
HR Waterman
Horace Lanes
Harvey Halmes
Major Phillips
Thomas H. Will
Asa Brunee
Nathan G. Stoves
Samuel Hubbell Jr.
Royal J. Cane
Jake Young
Barnabas Kimbal
Coleman Jewell
Alfred Watson
Joesl Matthews
Alfred Watts
[illegible] Stiles
Joseph [illegible]
Aaron Lanes
Phineas Young
Armstrong Allen
Joseph Richards
Moses Moore
John Tyler
Samuel Clark
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